Monday, June 1, 2015

June Promotions

 Photo Credit: Here

June is a great time to join Young Living! Along with the normal benefits of becoming a member, the Premium Starter Kit is getting a face lift and you could be one of the first to try it! Here are the changes that are coming:

- The look of the starter kit is changing going forward (see above)
- New Dewdrop Diffuser (while supplies last)
- A FREE 5 ml bottle of LemongrassOrange, or Tangerine!
RC and DiGize are now included in the premium oils collection
- Business Cards and Oil Bottles
- 10 sample packets

Please let me know if you'd like to try to new starter kit!

For Essential Rewards Members there are great promotions in June too:

                         Photo Credit and more info on the rewards: Here

Happy Oiling!

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

DIY Laundry Detergent

          I have been wanting to make my own laundry detergent for quite some time. Not only to save money but also to wash my clothes without those harsh chemicals, dyes, and perfumes. Also, my young daughter has Eczema from time to time, so using detergent without harsh ingredients can help her symptoms. I started looking at other blogger's recipes before making my own. The consensus seemed to be mostly the same ingredients: Borax, Washing Soda, Baking Soda, and Bar Soap. I knew I wanted to add some essential oils to mine, lemon and orange are recommended because of their cleaning power as well as their fresh scent. Some blogs recommend adding Oxiclean, but because of the ingredients used (concerns for cancer, skin allergies, and environmental problems) I did not want to add that to mine. I recommend using the Environmental Working Group website. They rate products as well as what alternatives to use. Here are list of A-rated laundry additives. If you have young children like I do, I would recommend adding one of these to get those stains out. The Oxiclean Baby Stain Soaker is a much better alternative and from personal use it really works great.

Here are the ingredients I used (feel free to substitute a brand that you prefer):

-Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda 3 cups

-Borax 3 cups (This is optional as there are mixed reviews on Borax and it's effects)

- Oxiclean Baby Stain Soaker 1 cup

- Dr. Bronner's Bar Soap 2 bars. It comes in several scents and this mild unscented baby one

- Arm & Hammer Baking Soda 3 cups

- 15-20 drops Lemon essential oil and 15-20 drops Orange essential oil (Lavender or Citrus Fresh are good oils you can use as well)

How to make your own laundry soap:

- Grate the soap with a cheese grater

- Mix the Borax, Washing Soda, and Baking Soda in a large bowl

- Put the grated soap in a food processor and add about 1 cup of the mixture into the processor so the soap won't stick to the blades.

-Turn on the processor and add your essential oils while it's working. That will mix them into the soap nice and even for you.

-Take the mixture out of the processor and add to the large bowl and mix all together.

-Save in a container of your choice, I would recommend glass with a tight lid.

-This makes about a gallon and you only need 1-2 tablespoons per load.

This equals out to only pennies per load or less than $7 for the whole container! Your average laundry soap costs .12-.15 cents per load.

Let me know what you think if you decide to make it yourself! I just started using this so I will update in a later post how I like this homemade detergent.

Happy Oiling!

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Friday, May 8, 2015

10 Reasons Why I Love Lavender

 Photo Credit: Here

Of all the oils available, Lavender is by far my favorite. It is the most versatile, which is why everyone should have it in their oil collection.

Here are the 10 reasons why I love Lavender:

* It promotes sleep and calming. I diffuse it every night before I go to bed. I've found that I sleep so much better, and I feel well rested when I wake up in the morning. Had a hard day? Stressed about work? Lavender can help you wind down by adding a few drops to your bath.

*Insect bites! Lavender can stop itching and reduce swelling. This is super important for Minnesota summers because we have mosquitoes and this can help protect you and your family. You can also make an awesome insect repellent using lavender here.

*Lavender is a natural antiseptic. It can be applied to a minor cut or bruise and will help heal it quickly. It not only heals faster, but will clean the cut as well.

*Skin issues like eczema or dermatitis. My daughter suffers from occasional eczema and I will mix some lavender with coconut oil and put it on her skin. This has worked better for relieving it than any other lotion I have tried from the store.

*Do you suffer from nausea or motion sickness? You can put a couple drops on your tongue, behind your ears, or on your navel area. This is a natural alternative to medicines that have strong side-effects, like drowsiness.

*I suffer from seasonal allergies and lavender is awesome at relieving the symptoms. I have a DIY allergy blend here. Let me tell you, it works better than any allergy medicine I have tried and there are no side-effects!

*Soothing minor burns. Ever burn your hand while cooking or doing a project with a glue gun? Apply a couple drops to the affected area and it will heal fast. Keep in mind that this is just for small, minor burns. Seek medical attention if you aren't sure how badly you are burnt.Along the same lines, lavender can be used for a sunburn as well. You can put a couple drops in a spray bottle with cold water and spray several times a day to soothe your skin.

*I often suffer from chapped lips during the winter, due to the harsh conditions we can have in Minnesota. Lavender can be applied to soothe your lips and moisturize. Be sure to only use therapeutic-grade oil if putting in or near your mouth. Young living also has a Lavender lip balm that works great.

*Fabric freshener and deodorizer. Along with all the uses I listed above, lavender has a wonderful scent. You can add it to your drier sheet or a cloth to give your clothes a clean, fresh smell.You can also put a couple drops on a cotton ball and put in your dresser drawer. This will keep your clothes smelling fresh and also keep moths away.

*Headache relief. Rub a few drops on your temples or the back of your neck. This works fast and I prefer to do this before reaching for the ibuprofen.

There are many more uses for lavender than the ones I listed here. As you can see, it can be used for a variety of common ailments and you can also enjoy the smell! If you'd like to try lavender, please let me know.

Happy Oiling!

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Monday, May 4, 2015

Mother's Day Gift Idea: Lemon Sugar Scrub

 Photo Credit: Here

Need a last minute gift idea for mom? How about something you can make yourself that is quick and she will love? Try this easy DIY Lemon Sugar Scrub. It's great for any skin surface that needs exfoliation, especially those feet that have been hiding all winter.

What You Need:
 2 1/2 cups of Sugar
1 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
10-15 drops of Lemon Essential Oil (you can add any other oils you might like as well)
12 oz Mason Jar

How To Make:
Mix your ingredients together in a bowl. It should form a gritty paste and you can spoon it into your mason jar (make sure it has a lid that seals). Keep in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

How to Use:
Apply small spoonful-sized amount to any surface you wish to exfoliate and rub for 30 sec-1 min. I suggest doing this right before a shower or bath and you can rinse it off when you're done. You can also use during a manicure or pedicure and remove with a warm, wet towel when finished.

Happy Oiling!

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Friday, May 1, 2015

Start Summer Off Right!

Here are the fabulous specials for May:

Get your summer started off right with the sunny, exotic warm-weather favorites in this month’s PV rewards!

Earn a free 5-ml Ocotea essential oil, plus a $20 enrollment coupon and NingXia Nitro 14-pack with your qualifying May order. With a qualifying Essential Rewards order of 190 PV or above, you’ll also earn a bonus 5-ml Grapefruit essential oil! Click here for more information or shop now!

Make the most of these valuable rewards with these easy and fun DIYs:

Ocotea Essential Oil - Young LivingOcotea
Ocotea essential oil is extracted from an Ecuadorian tree and has a complex, cinnamon-like flavor profile. When taken as a dietary supplement, Ocotea can support a healthy diet.*

  • Out of Slique Essence? Add a few drops of Ocotea to a glass of water or your favorite tea to help curb snacking urges and preserve healthy eating habits.*
  • Ocotea has a similar taste to cinnamon, but it is milder. Add a drop or two to a bowl of oatmeal or other hot cereal in the morning for extra flavor.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Grapefruit Essential Oil  - Young LivingGrapefruit
A key ingredient in Slique Essence and Power Meal, Grapefruit has a fresh, zesty taste and makes for a delicious twist in food or water. Grapefruit essential oil contains the naturally occurring compound limonene.

  • Give a dull glass of water a zesty, fresh flavor with a few drops of Grapefruit essential oil.
  • Add 2–3 drops to marinades for a bright, zesty flavor for summer grilling.
Click here for more info!

Happy Oiling!

Ready to join me? Click Here and enter Sponsor ID 1933812

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Seasonal Allergies, Bug Repellent, and Anti-itch Cream

Summer is coming and in Minnesota that means allergies, mosquitos, and bug bites. Have you tried prescription allergy medicine but would prefer a natural alternative? Would you prefer to make your own repellent without harsh chemicals and is also safe for your family and pets? Do you want to make a DIY cream for those itchy bites that you can use on even a young child? Here are some of my favorite recipes for these seasonal concerns.

Seasonal Allergies:

Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint make a natural anti-histamine. This is great for those seasonal allergies that pop up as soon as the spring flowers do. You can diffuse the 3 oils in your home to rid of those dust mites and it also cleans the air (3-4 drops of each in your diffuser). You can also use these oils topically on your feet or the back of your neck for the sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal issues. If you have a rollerball, you can also mix the oils with grapeseed or almond oil (or another carrier oil). This makes using the oils topically quick and easy when you're getting ready in the morning. I do 10 drops of each oil along with 1/2 a teaspoon of the carrier oil in the rollerball. Roll on your feet or behind your ears and you're good to go.

Mosquito Repellent:

Anyone that lives near me (or anywhere in the Midwest really) knows that Mosquitos are annoying pests that we'd like to avoid in the summer. Here is an easy repellent that you can use on anyone in the family:

-16 oz spray bottle
-15 drops lavender oil
-3-4 Tbsp of vanilla extract
-1/4 cup lemon juice
-Fill the remaining with water

Shake and it's ready to use! Citronella and tea tree oil can also be used if you have those oils.

Spider Repellent:

Did you know that spider's hate peppermint? All you need is a spray bottle with water and add 10-15 drops (make sure it smells minty before using). Then you just need to spray in the cracks and gaps that spiders can sneak into your home. This will keep them away!


Ticks are common in wooded areas around us and we certainly want to keep them off our children and pets. Any of these oils mixed with vodka (Yes, vodka! You can actually use it in any bug repellent you make) and water will work in a spray bottle:

-Rose geranium

I would use at least 15-20 drops of each oil and then shake.

Anti-itch Cream:

Getting bug bites during summer is somewhat unavoidable, so here is a great cream that can relieve the itchiness and inflamed skin:

-1 Tbsp of baking soda (soothes skin)
-1 Tspn of high quality sea salt (reduces inflammation)
-2 Tbsp of fractionated coconut oil (moisturizes irritated skin)
-3-5 drops lavender oil (disinfectant)
-3-5 drops lemon oil (reduces heat and inflammation)
-3-5 drops peppermint oil (cools and soothes itching)

Mix ingredients in glass bowl until it's smooth. Then apply to any areas with bug bites/irritated skin.

Happy Oiling!

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Now that spring is officially here in Minnesota, it's a great time to clean your home. Would you prefer to use non-toxic chemicals when cleaning your home? Young Living has a great line of cleaning products including Thieves Household Cleaner. You can dilute in water or add lemon for a fresh smell. You can also make your own cleaner using Lemon and Citrus Fresh in water. Purification is great to diffuse in your home to get rid of those stinky smells.

Here are some easy DIY using Thieves Household Cleaner:

Happy Oiling!

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